About us

Our history

Deep visits Geneva for the first time

Walking down Rue du Rhone and visiting the flagship Bucherer store was an inspiring experience, and our founder Deep's first introduction to luxury Swiss watches. It was what truly kickstarted an interest in collecting, and what eventually birthed Retter Watches.

Our history

Retter Watches is born

In the midst of the global pandemic, an idea from a friend sparks the creation of Retter Watches, with the goal of making Swiss-made watches as accessible as possible that didn't cut any corners. Founded as a passion project, the first watch proposed was a versatile sports watch suited to Deep's preferences as a collector.

Our history

Retter 22 launches to the public

In August 2022, the Retter 22 finally launched to the public. Inspired by Jorg Hysek's Vacheron 222, a true GADA sports watch was created, and suited for everything from deep-sea diving to formal dinners. Coverage from several prominent blogs and newspapers helped spread word, and many enthusiasts became a part of our story.

Our history

Mistral launches to the public

Our second watch will launch in June 2024, nearly two years after the launch of 22. Featuring a complex and novel case construction, precious metals, customized movement and leather straps from Jean-Rousseau, Mistral was a team effort in every meaning of the word, and we can't wait to share more. Learn more about Mistral here.

Our expertise

We're only able to achieve what we can thanks to the incredible skills of every person who works on one of our watchmaking projects. Our team is comprised of people with backgrounds ranging from engineering to graphic design, and we work in synergy to produce the best watches we can.

Swiss craftsmanship

Switzerland is the heart of watchmaking, and both our movement and assembly operations take place in La Chaux-de-Fonds, the Silicon Valley of watchmaking. While simply being 'Swiss made' isn't an assurance, it serves as a reminder for us to live up to the legacy of the name.

Ambitious design

We're a fairly new brand, but we're no stranger to a good challenge. As a part of our latest release, we've used precious metals, conceived our own movement, and successfully executed a novel shell-style design which allows for the razor-thin 6.8mm thickness.

In-house visualizations

Our founder, Deep, has years of experience with product design and rendering. By being able to do all of this in-house, we can shorten the feedback loop and actually see what a watch will look and feel like in near real-time, and make adjustments on the fly.

A note from our founder, Deep Ghosh

My watch journey began when I visited Switzerland many years ago. I remember the excitement of peering into stores on Rue du Rhône, and purchasing my first watch, a PVD-coated Swatch Sistem52. A few short years later, I had amassed a small collection to call my own, and was eager to engage with the watch community in-person.

Being from the New York area meant that meetups were frequent, but my modest collection paled in comparison to the technically complex, and at times, expensive, watches I saw on the wrists of others. It can be daunting to show up to some of these meetups without feeling out of place.

Having a background in product design and visualization, I created Retter Watches to make watches that would hold their own at these meetups, where 'Holy Trinity' watches are common — while being attainable for as many collectors as possible.

Thank you to our wonderful partners who make our creations possible. I want to mention Juliet, Rick, Jeremy, Matteo, Thierry, and Julien, as without their trust and belief, none of this would be possible. The biggest thanks of all goes to all of you, who continue supporting our endeavors. Without you, none of this would be possible. DG