Behind The Curtains

Introducing Behind the Curtains: a series that shines some light on the processes and challenges that come with designing watches, from the viewpoint of our founder.

How we pick color variants

How we pick color variants

Welcome to another edition of Behind the Curtains! Today, we talk through our process of choosing color ways for our watch releases. We launched Mistral in June 2024 with 3 colorways -- Midas Gold,...

Reflecting on 2024 (and looking ahead to 2025!)

Reflecting on 2024 (and looking ahead to 2025!)

We're reviving this series, and we hope to be more consistent with our posts this year. We wanted to take a moment to reflect on our biggest year to date. In 2024, we traveled to Geneva to meet wit...

The Importance of the Supply Chain + Geneva Trip

The Importance of the Supply Chain + Geneva Trip

It's been a while since we've put up a new edition of Behind the Curtains, but better late than never!  We've been working hard over the past few months to flesh out our new supply chain for our up...

The Preorder System

The Preorder System

Hi all, it's been a while since we've last made a new post here -- it's been a busy few months, and we have lots of exciting news to share with you all very soon! First up -- we're announcing the R...

Reflecting on 22

Reflecting on 22

Welcome to the first edition of our brand-new blog, Behind the Curtains. Through this series, we'll share our insights on designing watches and running a watch brand. Today, we'll discuss reflect o...